Upcoming Classes-
The Psychic's Gym- Mon. Oct. 14th to Mon. Nov 14th
In person and online- 6 Week Introduction to Psychic Development
Each week we explore a specific psychic ability and practice exercises to develop that particular sense. Exercises, lecture and practice sessions are integral to this class. $180.00 USD.
Each week we explore a specific psychic ability and practice exercises to develop that particular sense. Exercises, lecture and practice sessions are integral to this class. $180.00 USD.
Explorations of Mediumship- Wed. Oct 16th - Wed. Nov 20th
In person and online- 6 Week Introduction to Mental Mediumship Because You are Curious and Feel Like Dipping Your Toes Into it. $180.00 USD.
- The Spirit "Band" aka your Guides- Who is Who and What they do
- Exercises, lecture and practice sessions
Ongoing -
Mediumship & Psychic Development Circles
Thursdays. Intermediate to Advanced. This circle meets exclusively on Zoom.
A small, intimate class to explore & refine mediumship and psychic ability. Classes are limited to 8 students who are actively engaged with their spiritual/personal development.
The clarity of Self is what allows us to be clear voices for those on the Other Side of Life.
This is an evidential mediumship class. "Your grandma loves you" is not enough. In evidential mediumship we allow the essence of someones loved one to be expressed so that we move beyond the generalities into specifics.
This is on going unfoldment circle and due to the size we ask for people to attend weekly. What is taught is based on the needs of the sitters, with guidance from the Spirit World.
A small, intimate class to explore & refine mediumship and psychic ability. Classes are limited to 8 students who are actively engaged with their spiritual/personal development.
The clarity of Self is what allows us to be clear voices for those on the Other Side of Life.
This is an evidential mediumship class. "Your grandma loves you" is not enough. In evidential mediumship we allow the essence of someones loved one to be expressed so that we move beyond the generalities into specifics.
This is on going unfoldment circle and due to the size we ask for people to attend weekly. What is taught is based on the needs of the sitters, with guidance from the Spirit World.